How to Know if You Need a New Car Battery

How to Know if You Need a New Car Battery

Prior to a car battery losing power, there are certain indications that can inform you that the battery’s lifespan is limited. Indicators like the “check engine” light typically suggest that the battery is gradually losing power. It is important to closely observe the vehicle’s response every time you start the engine.

 Here are numerous additional signs that suggest your vehicle’s battery needs to be replaced.

Battery that has not been used

If you let your battery sit for an extended period of time, there is a significant likelihood that the battery will lose its charge. Regularly using your vehicle has a beneficial effect on the health of your battery. The battery of your vehicle replenishes when you drive, and the charge decreases if the car is not used for an extended period.

If you are aware that you will be absent for an extended period, ask a friend or a family member to occasionally take your car for a short drive around the neighborhood to maintain the battery’s condition.

Gradual Beginnings

If your engine requires additional time to start, that may indicate that the battery is seeing a decline in performance. Maybe you hear some strange sounds whenever you turn the key, or the lights start to flicker. These are indications of a failing battery. It might be advisable to have a specialist inspect the starting system or consider replacing the battery.

Infinite Jumpstarts

Is your battery brand new and already need a jumpstart? Regular jumpstarts indicate that the battery is going out sooner than expected. At this stage, you may wish to verify your warranty and obtain a replacement battery. While uncommon, there are instances where an electrical component may consume power even after the vehicle has been turned off, leading to battery drainage.

If you unintentionally keep the lights on, it is probable that the battery may run out of power. So, it’s important to have a specialist examine the car to see why it needs to be jumpstarted often before you invest in a new battery.

Difficulty in adapting to seasonal changes

Occasionally, when temperatures rise, your automobile battery may respond to the fluctuations. Intense heat typically causes the water in the battery’s internal fluids to evaporate and leads to corrosion of the internal components. In cold weather, the battery’s chemical reaction slows down, which in turn slows down the movement of the engine oil. Consequently, the vehicle requires additional power to initiate, leading to a depletion of the battery’s lifespan.

These problems are frequently encountered with older batteries, hence it is recommended that you replace the battery entirely. In addition, a new battery can effectively handle seasonal variations. Exposure to high and low temperatures might also result in swelling or cracking of the battery cover. An problem like this reduces the battery lifespan, and it would be wise to purchase a replacement device promptly to prevent the battery from fully depleting.

Severe corrosion

How frequently do you check your battery? Regularly inspect the positive terminal for signs of corrosion. Corrosion refers to the emission of acidic gasses by the battery. This situation can impact the voltage and reduce the efficiency of the battery. Even if you remove the dirt from the battery, the corrosion will still reappear, so it is advisable to replace the entire battery.

Unpleasant Odor

If you detect a foul odor resembling rotten eggs each time you lift the hood, it could be caused by a battery that is leaking. A battery releases gas when there is an internal short circuit. Please have it inspected promptly or obtain a replacement.

Aged Battery

A battery that is more than 3 years old is considered to be old. Nevertheless, the battery can last longer, for a period of up to 5 years, if you examine it once a year after reaching the 3-year milestone.  Factors that impact the lifespan of a battery include the brand of the battery, how the car is driven, the electronic requirements, the type of vehicle, and the weather conditions.

However, it is advisable to replace your battery after 3 years to prevent any problems that may arise from using an outdated battery.


If your car experiences any of these battery problems and you are uncertain about the appropriate course of action, get in touch with the automotive specialist. We are prepared to collaborate with you to guarantee that your vehicle’s battery is in optimal condition, allowing you to have a seamless driving experience on every occasion.





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